Happy Sunday! I’m always humbled and a little surprised when people want to hear what I have to say. I spent a lot of my time growing up thinking that what I had say had very little value (that’s a blog post on it’s own for another day).
That being said, here are some opportunities over the past few weeks where I’ve been able to share some awesome things going on in my classroom. Check them out and have a great week!
- The OnEducation Podcast: https://plnk.to/oneducation/e/1000489200786
- The Untitled Podcast: https://www.untitledpc.net/2020/11/episode-3-josh-stock.html
- The TekEffect YouTube channel: https://youtu.be/2kMthNp5dL0
- The Writing Matters Podcast w/ Troy Hicks: https://www.writable.com/2020/09/01/writing-matters-with-dr-troy-hicks-ft-josh-stock/
- Plus a presentation at the ISTE Creator Lab in October and the ISTE National Convention this week.